5 Foot and Ankle Care Goals to Kick Off the Year Right

The time of year has come when gyms brim with new life, and the healthy foods aisles of the grocery store teem with consumers dedicated to their goals for the new year.

Foot and ankle care is one of the most overlooked but vital aspects of overall wellness that should be part of everyone’s New Year resolutions. After all, your feet and ankles are your foundation. When they’re strong and happy, your body will be better supported to carry you through each of your daily tasks.

New year, new you—so let’s make sure your feet aren’t left behind by taking a look at five goals that can drive away your foot and ankle pain.

1. Walk Your Way to Wellness

You walk every day, so why would you need to set a goal to do it? Well, if you take a look at that handy-dandy app on your phone, you might realize that you don’t walk as much as you thought you did.

Walking improves circulation and supports bone health. It’s also a gentle way to burn calories and boost mental wellness. Walking strengthens the foot muscles, improves flexibility, and can alleviate discomfort from conditions like plantar fasciitis and ankle weakness.

So, set a daily step goal of something like 7,000 or 10,000 steps. Choose your new goal based on your current average step count. Regular walking and pushing yourself to those goals helps keep your feet and ankles strong enough to support the rest of your daily activities.

And if you’re already walking what feels like a marathon a day, keep those foot muscles strong by practicing picking up small objects with your toes or standing on one foot to improve foot balance and strength. Your feet work harder than most of us do in a day—give them a good stretch.

2. Keep Feet Clean and Soft

After you shower, it’s important to moisturize to avoid dry skin. But did you know that there are foot-specific moisturizers that are specially formulated to hydrate and repair the skin on your feet? Keeping your feet soft can help prevent cracked heels, especially during the winter when the air is drier and the wind is colder.

And by just spending a few minutes each day massaging your feet and focusing on the arches and heels, you’ll relieve lots of tension and might start feeling like you’re walking on air. You can make every day a spa day for your feet—they deserve the pampering.

3. Prioritize Shoe Support

If you’re like many people, you take the new year as a fresh start and a sign to clean out the cobwebs from your life. As you sort through your closet this year, check that each pair of shoes you wear—especially your go-tos—provides sufficient arch support, a cushioned sole, and plenty of room for your toes. Good shoes are better at protecting your feet from soreness and ingrown toenails.

Remember that shoes lose support over time, so if a pair looks like it’s on its last leg, it might be time to swap it out to avoid foot strain. Good shoes can make the difference between feeling great and feeling like you walked on Legos all day.

4. Consider Custom Orthotics

It might be a little late to add to your holiday wishlist, but a sturdy pair of custom orthotics is the gift that keeps on giving. They’re easy to slip into a pair of shoes and provide extra support to your feet and ankles throughout the day.

Orthotic devices can also improve your posture, reduce foot strain, and support unique arch needs. Everyone’s feet are different, so consult with a podiatrist in Mesquite to achieve a comfortable fit and optimal support for your lifestyle. You may find that you’ve just invested in a personalized pillow for your feet. And what could be better than that?

5. Schedule a Foot Check-Up

Just like you schedule a regular visit with the dentist and hairstylist, an annual visit with a podiatrist can help detect issues like bunions, calluses, or arch problems before they worsen. As you watch for persistent pain, discoloration, or swelling, you’ll be quick to notice early warning signs of larger problems to come.

But even if you don’t notice any red flags, a checkup with a podiatrist never hurts, especially if you have a family history of foot or ankle problems such as hammertoes, bunions, or flat feet.

The Bottom Line

At the beginning of January, almost everyone is thinking about how they’ll make big changes in their life for a stellar new year. Whether it’s career aspirations, volunteering, or getting better sleep, New Year’s resolutions can be a great way to make intentional changes.

But even if it’s not January 1st, you can start working toward your new podiatry goal today by taking small, regular steps to improve your foot health. The best thing you can do for your feet is to remember to take care of them. With just a little love, your feet will be ready to kick off their best year yet.


5 Foot and Ankle Care Goals to Kick Off the Year Right


Foot and ankle care is often overlooked, yet it’s crucial for overall wellness and should be on everyone’s New Year resolutions. This year, focus on five goals to alleviate foot and ankle pain. Read on to learn more in this infographic.

5 Foot and Ankle Care Goals for the Year Infographic

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