Help for Flat Feet: Exercises and Stretches for Support

Flat feet—they’re more than just the condition that makes you dread a trip to the shoestore. They’re a condition that affects your whole body’s alignment. But don’t worry—there are plenty of ways to get those arches in shape to provide support and prevent pain and discomfort.

Flat feet usually look slightly splayed out without a visible arch. They can cause significant discomfort and even pain caused by fallen arches—that terrible “ouch, my feet” feeling that can quickly spread. Many people have linked their flat feet with other health issues, like knee pain, back pain, and even posture problems.

But “I can live with them,” you say. “It’s not too bad,” you say. So why should you care enough to invest in flat feet treatment? Let’s find out.

Why Your Flat Feet Need a Tune-Up

Your flat feet may have developed from a variety of sources. Perhaps they run in your family, or your arches didn’t quite develop enough during childhood. That foot injury you had a few years back may have caused them. Or maybe your feet never seemed to go back to normal after you gave birth.

But you can’t just blame the way your body works. Your lifestyle choices, like being on your feet for long periods, can also exacerbate the issue. We ask a lot of our feet, so don’t ignore them.

Leaving flat feet untreated can increase your pain, instability, and even chances of dealing with long-term joint issues. We’ve said it once, and we’ll say it again: a stitch in time saves nine—or two (arches). Getting your feet in shape now can prepare you for a lifetime free of foot pain for years to come.

How to Strengthen Your Arches Through Exercise

Starting to repair your arches doesn’t have to be complex. We’ve developed a little exercise regimen similar to a podiatrist’s flat feet treatment to get your feet feeling great.

Arch Lifts

These target the small muscles in your feet and can rebuild the arch.

  1. Stand tall with your feet directly under your hips.
  2. Shift your weight to the outer edges of the feet.
  3. Lift the arches.

Heel Raises

This simple exercise works your calf muscles and foot arch at the same time.

  1. Stand with your feet flat.
  2. Keep your toes planted.
  3. Raise your heels.

Towel Scrunches

Scrunches strengthen your toe and foot muscles while focusing on your arches.

  1. Lay a towel flat on the floor.
  2. Sit down with your feet flat on the towel.
  3. Use your toes to scrunch up the towel.

Tennis Ball Rolls

For this one, simply roll a tennis or golf ball under the arch of your foot. It’ll feel like a DIY foot massage with the soft pressure you need to relieve tension and improve blood flow in the area.

Calf Stretch

This exercise extends the calf and Achilles tendon, key parts of the lower body that affect foot arches. It can help lengthen muscles that might be too tight.

  1. Stand up straight with your face about 4-inches from a wall.
  2. With your heel on the ground, set the ball of your foot on the wall a few inches above the floor.
  3. With the leg fully extended, gently lean toward the wall.

Other Tips for Foot Care

Stretching may have just become your foot care superhero, but it isn’t the only way to help your flat feet. Here are a few more lifestyle adjustments you can make to go the extra mile in caring for your feet.

Go Barefoot

Shoes are great. They provide your feet with the everyday support and structure they need to stay clean and healthy. But sometimes, it’s best just to let your feet breathe.

Walking around barefoot in safe, predictable areas can naturally strengthen the foot muscles, helping to rebuild your arches. Just check for sharp objects first—no Lego incidents for you today.

Invest in the Right Footwear

And for the rest of the time, choose the footwear your feet need and deserve. We get it—shoes can get pricey. But think of a pair of arch-supportive, everyday shoes as an investment that will pay you back one hundredfold when you’re not in pain. Seriously, good shoes aren’t just a luxury—they’re an investment in your future back and feet.

Consider Orthotics

Before you start seeing results, look into purchasing a pair of custom orthotics. They can be custom-made and slipped into your shoe to make them the foot-supporting superhero of your dreams.

Need a budget-friendly option? Over-the-counter orthotics do the trick, too, helping many clients with arch support when regular insoles just aren’t cutting it. Orthotics are your foot’s equivalent of a personal bodyguard and come highly recommended by podiatrists.

The Key to Recovery

Even when progress feels slow, stay consistent with exercises every day. Even just that little bit of effort makes a big difference. It’s just like with New Year’s resolutions—your arches will get stronger if you actually keep doing them.

And don’t overdo it, either. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are strong arches, so gradually work up to more intense exercise instead of rushing to 100 reps in your first week.

Although they can be stubborn, you’ve got all the right tools to overcome your flat feet problems. Listen to your body and stop if the pain persists. You know when it’s time to take a break. After all, your feet carry you through life, so let’s give them the VIP treatment they deserve.

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