How can I tell I have a bunion

If you’re breaking out sandals for the first time and realize your feet are not shaped the same as last sandal season, you may have developed a bunion. How can you know for sure? Some of our readers helped us compile a list of some of the signs or symptoms. Keep reading to find out what to look out for when you slip on your flip-flops.
Dr. Noor Hanif Said

Dr. Noor Hanif Said

Medical Director of Renaissance Dermatology.

Visible Bump

You need to pay attention to changes in the appearance of your feet, specifically the base of the big toe.

Bunions typically manifest as a visible bump on the side of the big toe joint, accompanied by redness, swelling, and tenderness. You may also experience decreased range of motion, difficulty wearing shoes, or even pain while walking. Some patients experience the big toe shifting towards the other toes as bunions progress.

Wearing ill-fitting shoes can increase the risk of developing bunions, so I recommend wearing shoes with a wide toe box.

Tenderness and Pain

A painful bony growth at the base of the big toe is known as a bunion. The symptoms are what you usually expect: a bulging bump at the base of the big toe, tenderness and pain around the area, swelling, and redness. Other symptoms would be movement of your big toe being limited, and calluses on the affected area.

Tim Connon

Tim Connon

Trent Copperfield

Trent Copperfield

Vice President of On Demand Pest Control.

Redness and Inflammation

When it comes to identifying a bunion, there are several signs and symptoms to look out for. One of the most common indicators is a bony bump at the base of the big toe. This bump can be painful and swollen, especially when wearing tight or uncomfortable shoes. You may also notice redness and inflammation around the affected area, as well as difficulty moving your toes. In some cases, corns or calluses may form on top of the bunion, causing additional discomfort.

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