What are some possible complications or risks that come with untreated heel pain?

While there is a time and place for toughing out some discomfort (we’re looking at you, paper cuts), heel pain isn’t one of them. Untreated heel pain can lead to risks and complications. Keep reading to find out what these problems might be, and call a podiatrist about your heel pain as soon as you can.
Dr. Ben Paxton MD

Dr. Ben Paxton MD

Long-term Complications

    ● Reduced mobility: Heel pain can make it difficult or painful to walk or stand for extended periods of time, which can limit mobility and impact daily activities.

    ● Reduced quality of life: Chronic heel pain can be debilitating and impact quality of life, leading to reduced enjoyment of activities and a negative impact on mental health.

    ● Increased risk of falls: Pain and discomfort in the heel can make it more difficult to maintain balance and increase the risk of falls, especially in older adults.

    ● Development of chronic conditions: If the underlying cause of heel pain is a chronic condition such as plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendinitis, leaving it untreated can lead to the development of more severe or long-term complications.

    ● The potential need for surgery: In some cases, untreated heel pain can lead to the need for surgical intervention, which can be more costly and require a longer recovery time.

Lower Quality of Life

Heel pain can severely impair the quality of life. Heel pain can cause plantar fasciitis, reduced mobility, chronic pain, foot and leg strains, and falls if left untreated.

Heel pain can limit mobility. When standing, walking, or doing physical activities hurts, it can impede one’s ability to enjoy life and do daily activities. Limited movement can lead to poor fitness and other health issues over time.

Untreated heel pain can cause chronic pain. If the pain’s cause isn’t addressed, it might last for years and lower quality of life. Work, exercise, and socializing might be difficult.

Untreated heel pain can cause foot and leg strain as people adjust by changing their walk or weight distribution. This might create increased foot and leg pain, making it harder to move and do things.

Untreated heel discomfort increases fall risk. Painful heels can impair balance and stability, increasing the risk of falls and injury. Older folks, who are more likely to fall, are especially at risk.

Untreated heel pain can cause plantar fasciitis, a painful foot tissue inflammation. To avoid major discomfort and problems with daily activities, seek therapy as soon as feasible.

In conclusion, untreated heel discomfort can negatively impair the quality of life. Early treatment can prevent consequences including limited mobility, chronic pain, foot and leg strain, falls, and plantar fasciitis. Treatment can improve mobility, alleviate pain, and prevent long-term consequences.

Karan Tiwari

Karan Tiwari

Content Manager at WireTroop.
Rhys Charles

Rhys Charles

Founder and CEO of LawnMowers and Tractors.

Increases Possibility for Chronic Conditions

    1. Plantar Fasciitis. Plantar Fasciitis is caused by inflammation in a ligament that connects to your toes and runs along the bottom of your foot (the plantar fascia). If left untreated, this can lead to chronic heel pain which may be exacerbated when walking or standing for long periods of time. It can also result in decreased mobility as it becomes increasingly difficult to move without feeling discomfort.

    2. Achilles Tendonitis. A possible complication from untreated heel pain is an injury known as Achilles tendonitis. An irritation or tear within the tendon located behind your ankle joint connecting calf muscles with bones inside the feet called calcaneus (or “heel bone”). Symptoms include sudden sharp pains at either side of one’s heels during physical activities like running or jumping, making these activities more painful than usual if not treated properly over time through rest and rehabilitation exercises/stretches prescribed by healthcare professionals such as physiotherapists/osteopaths.

    3. Stress Fractures. Heel stress fractures are small cracks that occur on any area where pressure has been put onto them. They often happen because people don’t give their body enough recovery after vigorous exercise sessions involving high intensity jumping, running. If left untreated, these can become more serious over time and lead to a complete fracture in the heel bone itself. This will require an operation for treatment, which may mean having to stay off your feet completely or using crutches until it has been healed properly.

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