Foot and Ankle Care and Treatment Blogs

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9 Tips to Keep Your Feet Wart-Free This Summer

9 Tips to Keep Your Feet Wart-Free This Summer

No one likes suffocating in layers in the heat of the summer, your toes included. If you plan to have your feet on full display all summer, you might want to ensure they are well-maintained and wart-free. Plantar warts are actually infections caused by the human...

What are common foot problems associated with diabetes?

What are common foot problems associated with diabetes?

Individuals with prolonged periods of elevated high blood sugar are more susceptible to a wide variety of potential problems. Many of those problems can manifest in feet. What foot problems are individuals with diabetes more prone to develop? Keep reading to learn...

When Can I Return to Activity After an Ankle Sprain?

When Can I Return to Activity After an Ankle Sprain?

Whether you’re an all-star athlete who twisted your ankle catching the winning touchdown for the state championship or a channel surfer whose feet got caught jumping up to grab a treat refill for your movie night, sprained ankles are a painful inconvenience. The big...

7 Tips to Avoid Foot Injuries When Running

7 Tips to Avoid Foot Injuries When Running

Snow, blazing sun, blisters, lost toenails: even given excuses not to run, regular runners do not let anything slow them down. So it’s no surprise that many a runner has run through foot injuries, making them worse. The best way to help a foot injury is to prevent it...

What are some exercise recommendations for ankle sprain recovery?

What are some exercise recommendations for ankle sprain recovery?

Recurrent ankle sprains are not uncommon, so it makes sense to approach ankle sprain recovery cautiously. What are the best exercises to help with the recovery process after an ankle sprain? Keep reading to see how the health enthusiasts recommend regaining your ankle...

Should I Let My Heel Heal or Visit a Doctor?

Should I Let My Heel Heal or Visit a Doctor?

Knowing when to visit a doctor can feel like quite a guessing game. Pain on our heels can be a tricky one since there are so many potential causes. Here are ten possible culprits to your heel pain, their severity, and whether or not you should visit a podiatrist for...

Preventing and Caring for Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Preventing and Caring for Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Many people have heard tragic stories about someone whose uncle with diabetes needed to have an amputation. With your own diabetes diagnosis, hearing such a story can make you nervous. Are you resigned to the same fate? The short answer is not if you don’t want to be....

What are the benefits of conservative podiatry treatment?

What are the benefits of conservative podiatry treatment?

No, we aren’t talking elephants and donkeys here when we bring up conservative treatments. What exactly, then, are conservative treatment approaches in podiatry? What are the advantages or disadvantages? Keep reading to learn why some readers believe a conservative...

What to Expect With a Ganglion Cyst

What to Expect With a Ganglion Cyst

Some surprises, like a work bonus or an unexpected visit from a friend, are welcome and exciting. Others, like a flat tire or a broken refrigerator, are rather unpleasant and put a damper on your day. When it comes to your health, the more surprises you can eliminate...

7 Signs Your Child has a Foot Problem

7 Signs Your Child has a Foot Problem

As a parent, you stay informed of so many aspects of your child’s life. She loves strawberries, but only when they’re cut. Her latest new tooth is growing a little crooked. She has had a cold for three days now. She won’t fall asleep without her special blanket. Not...

Five Sports Injuries You Should Take to a Podiatrist

Five Sports Injuries You Should Take to a Podiatrist

Ice. Ibuprofen. Repeat. That seems to be the recipe for treating a lot of sports injuries. But which injuries need the guidance of a podiatrist to help them heal correctly? Here are five common sports injuries you might want to run by a podiatrist before trying to DIY...